Education in Burundi

Burundi is one of the poorest African nations. Its’ knowledge economy is worrisome. Efforts are on through various government and private agencies to improve the economic conditions of this nation via means of knowledge integration, health improvements and economic alleviation. Efforts are made to make education available right from pre primary level to university level to everyone in Burundi.

Education is compulsory for children of age 7 through 13 years but presence in classrooms is significantly low. The literacy rate is low and there is a large void between male and female literacy. Primary education in Burundi spans six grades i.e. Standard 1 through 6.

Secondary education is divided into lower and upper secondary education. Lower secondary education is available to those who pass the National Entrance Examination and lasts four years. A national test is imposed on all those who complete lower secondary education. Their records are submitted to a National Orientation Commission.

Schooling at upper secondary level lasts three years after lower education and leads to the Diplome d’Etat, which gives access to higher education. Technical secondary education lasts seven years. A Diplome A2 sanctions success in technical studies and a Diplome A3 is conferred after a cycle of studies lasting five years following upon primary education.

Higher education in Burundii s mainly provided by the Universite du Burundi. It is largely financed by the State and enjoys administrative and management autonomy. It is administered by a Rector appointed by the President of the Republic for four years.

Currently, the literacy rate in Burundi is just under 60% . The participation in university education is extremely low as either children did not begin attending primary school or drops out at a very early stage and do not proceed to further levels of study.
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